Reporting a Crime

Reporting a crime is a serious business... The victim can often be traumatised, distracted, or even intimidated. Sadly the general law enforcement experience leave a lot to be desired - lack of engagement or indifference, lack of resources, or sometimes the victim feels like they are being treated like a criminal themselves.

White collar crime, involving financial fraud, money laundering, cybercrime etc.. pits a victim against an often disinterested law enforceemnt process, but also against institutional obstruction in any involvement. Secrecy, data protection, compliance, self-interest can all work against a victim trying to report a crime.

Reporting a crime involves a thorough preparation of docuemnts and evidence, presented in such a way that law enforcement "gets it!!".. Remember, the level of sophistication in financial fraud may often entail taking a complaint to a more specialised law enforcement unit, eg FBI or Serious Fraud Office. Problems we have observed or regularly have to resolve for clients are :

- who to report to?
- whether to use a lawyer, an expense compounding an already sustained financial loss!
- an incomplete understanding of what crime was actually committed
- a lack of resolve to see the situation through
- an institutional conspiracy to prevent a full investigation
- under-resourced or disinterested law enforcement personnel

Intel Suisse has years of experience of investigating and reporting a crime to the appropriate authorities. In larger cases, the use of press and media can also be useful in bringing to bear pressure on the authorities, or even identifying other victims of the same crime or criminals. How Intel Suisse helps :

- we have reported many financial crimes in many jurisdictions, globally
- we have a developed list of contacts in law enforcement, investigation, lawyers, and prosecutors
- we have strong media and press contacts, which can bring weight to crime investigation
- we are resolute and not easily dissuaded...
- we want to win, for our clients, and charge a success fee accordingly!

Contact Us

  • Intel Suisse
  • For obvious reasons,
  • we don't give out our
  • addresses or the names
  • of most of our team..
  • Office: +352.621.967.859
  • Email: info at